Roof cleaning in Edinburgh: Biocide for longer lasting results

Sean Dickson
July 21, 2024
5 mins
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At BDS Pro Clean, we are passionate about delivering top-notch roof cleaning services to the residents of Edinburgh. Our extensive experience in the field has taught us the importance of not just cleaning roofs but ensuring they stay clean for as long as possible. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through the use of biocide treatments. In this blog post, we'll share the story of a recent roof cleaning job we completed in the Corstorphine area of Edinburgh, highlight the benefits of biocide treatment, and explain why it’s an essential part of our roof cleaning process.

The Corstorphine Roof Cleaning Project

Corstorphine is a lovely neighbourhood in Edinburgh, known for its charming homes and beautiful gardens. Mrs. MacLeod, a resident of Corstorphine, reached out to us because her roof was covered in moss and algae, detracting from the appearance of her otherwise pristine home. She was also concerned about potential damage to her roof tiles and the longevity of her roof if the moss and algae were not properly addressed.

When we arrived at Mrs. MacLeod’s property, we conducted a thorough inspection of her roof. The moss and algae growth were extensive, covering large sections of the roof and creating unsightly dark patches. Mrs. MacLeod wanted a solution that would not only clean her roof but also keep it looking clean for as long as possible. We assured her that our biocide treatment would be the perfect solution.

The Challenges We Faced

Roof cleaning is never a one-size-fits-all job, and the Corstorphine project presented several challenges:

  1. Thick Moss and Algae Growth: The extent of the moss and algae required careful and thorough removal to avoid damaging the roof tiles.
  2. Fragile Roof Tiles: Some of the tiles on Mrs. MacLeod’s roof were older and more susceptible to damage if not handled correctly.
  3. Weather Conditions: As always, the unpredictable Edinburgh weather meant we had to plan our work around the forecast to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Our Approach to Roof Cleaning with Biocide Treatment

At BDS Pro Clean, we have developed a comprehensive approach to roof cleaning that includes the use of biocide treatments. Here’s how we tackled Mrs. MacLeod’s roof cleaning project:

  1. Initial Cleaning: We began by removing the thick layers of moss and algae using specialised tools and low-pressure washing techniques. This initial cleaning step is crucial to prepare the roof for the biocide treatment.
  2. Application of Biocide: After thoroughly cleaning the roof, we applied a professional-grade biocide treatment. This solution penetrates the roof tiles and kills any remaining moss, algae, and lichen at their roots, preventing regrowth.
  3. Long-Lasting Protection: Unlike regular cleaning methods, biocide treatment continues to work over time. It forms a protective layer on the roof tiles, making it difficult for moss and algae to re-establish themselves.

The Benefits of Biocide Treatment

Using biocide for roof cleaning offers several significant benefits:

  1. Extended Cleanliness: Biocide treatments keep roofs cleaner for longer by inhibiting the growth of moss, algae, and lichen. This means fewer cleanings are required, saving homeowners time and money.
  2. Preventing Damage: By preventing moss and algae growth, biocide treatments protect roof tiles from the moisture and root damage that these organisms can cause. This helps extend the lifespan of the roof.
  3. Enhanced Appearance: A clean roof significantly enhances the curb appeal of a home. Biocide treatments ensure that roofs remain looking clean and attractive for longer periods.
  4. Cost-Effective: While biocide treatments may have a higher upfront cost compared to standard cleaning, their long-lasting effects make them a more cost-effective solution in the long run.

Overcoming the Challenges

To address the specific challenges of Mrs. MacLeod’s roof, we took several important steps:

  1. Gentle Cleaning Techniques: We used soft-bristle brushes and low-pressure washing to carefully remove the moss and algae without damaging the fragile roof tiles.
  2. Weather Considerations: By monitoring the weather forecast closely, we chose a dry, calm day to perform the cleaning and biocide treatment, ensuring optimal conditions for the biocide to take effect.
  3. Safety Measures: Safety is always a top priority. Our team used harnesses and scaffolding to ensure they could work safely and efficiently on the roof.

The Outcome

The transformation of Mrs. MacLeod’s roof was remarkable. The initial cleaning removed the unsightly moss and algae, and the biocide treatment ensured that the roof would remain clean and protected for an extended period. Mrs. MacLeod was thrilled with the results, noting the immediate improvement in her home’s appearance and the peace of mind knowing her roof was protected against future moss and algae growth.


At BDS Pro Clean, we are committed to providing the highest quality roof cleaning services in Edinburgh. Our recent project in Corstorphine demonstrated the effectiveness of biocide treatments in achieving long-lasting, clean roofs. By addressing the challenges of thick moss and algae growth, fragile roof tiles, and unpredictable weather, we were able to deliver outstanding results for Mrs. MacLeod.

Biocide treatments offer numerous benefits, including extended cleanliness, damage prevention, enhanced appearance, and cost-effectiveness. These treatments are an essential part of our roof cleaning process, ensuring that our clients’ roofs stay clean and protected for longer.

If you’re in need of professional roof cleaning services in Edinburgh, don’t hesitate to contact BDS Pro Clean. Our experienced team is here to help you maintain a clean, beautiful, and long-lasting roof. Reach out to us today to schedule your roof cleaning and biocide treatment, and experience the difference that professional care can make.

For more information or to book a service, visit our website or give us a call. Let BDS Pro Clean take care of your roof, so you can enjoy a pristine and well-maintained home exterior.

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